Use our easy and efficient service to convert your analog archive into digital formats in 3 easy steps:
1- Request for a quote
2- Send us your media. Also include a prepaid return envelope
3 - After digitizing, we will send you a link to the digital file for download and return your media
35mm, 120 Film and Photos up to 8″ x 12″
$30 for the first 30 images
$0.50 per image after first 30
8 mm, Super 8, 16 mm Film
Video will be converted to a digital MPEG 4 Video Format
$30 for the first 50 feet
$0.30 per foot after first 50 feet
VHS, Hi-8, Video8, MiniDV, and Betamax, u-matic Video Tape
Video will be converted to a digital MPEG 4 Video Format
$30 for the first 30 minutes
$15 for each additional 30 minutes